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Women Pilots of World War II Meet

Veteran Update - Hometown Heros, Update, Memorial, Medals

The American Legion has started a new program called 'Hometown Heros' to encourage local American Legion posts to support returning troops and veterans to their local communities. [emilitary]

The Vietnam Memorial mini-replica called the 'Moving Wall' is in Madison, WI through 9-11-06. [capitaltimes]

North Valley Stand Down Association is dedicated to helping homeless veterans get back on their feet and reconnect them with their families. [chicoenterpriserecord]

WWII Army Medic Wilson "Will" Rouke recently got his earned Bronze Star and Purple Hearts delivered to him.  The article on Rouke, also mentions a great short blurb about WWII veteran Robert White, and his D-Day experiences that have led to an official letter and an award from the French government. [townonline]

Lastly, to follow up on the sad story of a recent murder of Vietnam Vet
Barney Goodman, the AP Wire is reporting that two men are in custody for his murder.
