Navajo Code Talkers: The Last Of The Living WWII Heroes Share Their Stories

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Arizona Republic published on August 29, 2019 an article about the Navajo Code Talkers that starts of with ... "In 1942, during the depths of World War II, the United States Marine Corps recruited 29 Navajo men to develop an unbreakable code that would be used across the Pacific during the war ... [MORE] "

Additional information:

D-Day 70 Years Later - June 6, 1944


Here are some excellent D-Day references and news stories that we have found to be terrific:

Please share more via comments.

DOD LIVE - "WWII Veteran Returns to the Field of Battle"

Very interesting video from DOD LIVE on YouTube entitled: "WWII Veteran Returns to the Field of Battle." (Published on Jan 7, 2013)

The summary:

Cdr. Gerard Woelkers didn't grow up as a military brat, but he is the son of a World War II veteran. By taking orders to Germany, Woelkers is taking the opportunity to learn about his father's service and helping Frederick Woelkers close the book on this chapter in his life.

News Updates - SEALs, Calendar, Veterans, Interviews, POW-MIA, Podcasts, Etc


Here are some updates from our email inbox:

San Diego WWII Veterans Travel To Washington DC

Honor-flight-sandiegoJohn Wilkens at the Union-Tribune has an in-depth article with some great pictures of WWII Veterans visiting Washington DC including the WWII memorial.

A total of "105 veterans" took an "all-expenses-paid Honor Flight trip this weekend from San Diego were treated like heroes wherever they went. Strangers came up and thanked them for their service."

The group that puts this all together is the San Diego Honor Flight team.

Veteran Stories Podcast #003 - Mr. Jim Hutson, USMC, WWII

The 3rd Veteran Stories Podcast is with Mr. Jim Hutson, and it covers his stories and experiences related to his service in the United Statues Marine Corps (1938-1966) during War World II, and his 28 total years of military service (China, Japan, United States, Vietnam):

 (Size 46.7 MBs, Running Time 50m57s, Originally Published 02-27-2011)